Course Description:
The transition from current (fossil-heavy) energy sources and the call for significant shift in energy systems to more easily available and environmentally sustainable and greener energy system is the desirable energy transition the world wants and the oil & gas industry is at the forefront of the innovation and policy initiatives.
The aim of this course is to provide insight into what energy transition is about, how to achieve it using diverse options and details of how this could impact the petroleum industry’s future.
Course Content
- Climate change
- Global Greenhouse Gas (GHG) and Global warming
- Oil & Gas industry & climate change
- Climate change, driver for energy transition.
- Energy Transition
- Energy mix & Energy security
- National Pathway in Energy Transition
- Global energy mix
- Net zero Emission
- Policy Initiatives in energy transition by Countries, IOCs, NOCs, Others.
- Balance of economics, environment & society in energy transition.
- Energy mix & the right Balance
- Renewable Energy & Energy Transition
- Types of renewable energy & fuels.
- Integration & renewable energy system
- Renewable energy & cost in energy transition policy
- The future of Renewables.
- Energy Transition & De-carbonization
- Ways & Means
- Hybrid options in de-carbonization
- The Oil Industry & Energy Transition
- Current status & the oil industry in energy transition
- Impact of energy transition on IOCs & NOCs.
- The future of fossil fuels (Oil& Gas)
- National policy initiatives in energy transition (Country case studies)
- Energy Transition Across Board
- Grid De-carbonization
- Intelligent power storage (Types, Advantages & Disadvantages)
- Energy system & Renewables.
What Attendees will learn:
- Detailed understanding of climate change and the Paris Agreement/COP26.
- Detailed understanding of why energy transition is important.
- Renewable energy options & challenges.
- National & Global energy Mix
- Energy Mix & Energy Transition – the relationship.
- Methods of decarbonization & challenges of decarbonization.
- Challenge of energy security & energy poverty for energy transition
- Best ways to formulate national energy transition policies & best fit energy transition pathways.